Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Role Of Nature And Nurture Affect Development Of A...

Life Span Development From the time of conception to the time of death, we are constantly developing and changing. Although some of the changes are as a result of personal adoptions and incidences, most changes experienced are as a result of our shared biological and mental heritage as humans and are shared by all individuals in the globe. A lot of studies have been dedicated to the study of human growth and development. In the book, Lifespan development, various concepts have been discussed in the first nine chapters. These include, the theories in the study of human development, the question of whether nature and nurture affect the development of a child, conception, pre-birth and birth, infancy, early childhood and middle childhood. Theories in the Study of Human Development Human development has been explained using theories such as the classical and the contemporary theories. Contemporary theories include the sociocultural perspective and the ecological perspective. Sociocultural perspective studies the relationship of a person with others relative to their culture while the ecological perspective aims to not limit itself to an individual’s immediate relations. Classical theories include the learning theory, psychoanalytic theory and the cognitive development theory. The cognitive development theory explains the development of an individual’s esteem and self-view based on the development stages of a person. The stages are categorized into sensorimotor stage (fromShow MoreRelatedDoes Genetics And Personal Experiences Affect The Ability Of Express Emotion?2939 Words   |  12 Pages Question: To what extent does genetics and personal experiences affect the ability to express emotion? By; Getahun Seyoum Psychology Springbrook April 2015 Jones 3469 words Abstract For centuries psychologists and scientists have debated whether there was a nurture versus nature aspect in how humans developed their ability to express emotion. 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